How do I print using NetPrint?

NetPrint Web Print Login:

CBC Students

CBC students enrolled in college-level courses are assigned a "NetPrint" account and allotted $12 of printing at the start of each quarter. Printing is deducted from your Netprint balance at the follow rates:

  • black and white: $.03/page (your $12 allowance will print 400 pages/quarter)
  • color printing: $.09/page (your $12 allowance will print 133 pages/quarter)

If you use up the $12 and want to print more, you can purchase more at the Front Desks of the Libraries on both campuses.

Problem logging in?

  1. Does your tuition include "tech fee"? CBC students enrolled in Transitional Studies classes are not assigned a NetPrint account. Your reduced tuition entitles you to free printing at the library! Please let us know at the front desk and we will help you print.
  2. Are you connected to "CBC-WIFI"? DO NOT use "Guest -WIFI". Cellular data, and personal hotspot do NOT work either with NetPrint.
  3. Did you put in the right user name? It is usually your first initial and then your last name. NO dot! Sometimes, there might be a number after your last name. e.g. jdoe3
  4. Did you forget your email password? It's the same as your Canvas password. If you have the password saved on your phone, you maybe able to find it in Settings. If you can't remember or find the password, you can reset it.
  5. Let us know at the library front desks and we'll help!


  1. Scroll down to watch the embedded one-minute demo. (If you cannot play sound, silence the video and click on the CC button to view captions).
  2. Or read the attached "Text Only Instruction" PDF.
  3. For more complete information, see additional videos:

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  • Last Updated Jan 29, 2024
  • Views 461
  • Answered By Ying Yu

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